Friday, February 5, 2016

5 Reasons Why Male Birth Control Might Just Be Able To Save The World

One of the most exciting recent news stories was the Parsemus Foundation’s announcement that a male birth control shot could hit the market as early as 2017. As someone who has always promoted fairness and equality, this is incredible news that could offer positive repercussions for males and females alike. It could ultimately help our […]
via 5 Reasons Why Male Birth Control Might Just Be Able To Save The World
by AATadmin2015

Pro-life actor Ken Wahl: I was called ‘racist due to my stance on Gosnell’

Black guy called me racist due to my stance on #Gosnell.I said,"Don't u care that the babies he killed were black!? U should,G! I do!" #tcot — Ken Wahl (@KenWahl1) May 2, 2013 “Wiseguy” actor Ken Wahl has been “haunted” by the “image of babies’ spinal cords being snipped” by Kermit Gosnell. And somehow that […]
via Pro-life actor Ken Wahl: I was called ‘racist due to my stance on Gosnell’
by Admin Team

Barack Obama tweets out a homework assignment

Share a story about how a teacher, firefighter, or police officer has helped you or your family: — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 12, 2012 That Mitt Romney … he sure does hate law enforcement, firefighters, and educators! Mitt Romney thinks we can afford to cut jobs for teachers, firefighters, and police officers—so let’s help […]
via Barack Obama tweets out a homework assignment
by Admin Team

#PrayersForJahi: Family struggles to keep 13-year-old on life support!/briazaire/status/413037914574946304 @briazaire God bless you all. Praying for miracle for your sister. As a mom, brings tears to my eyes. You are not alone! #prayersforjahi — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) December 17, 2013 The family of Jahi McMath is fighting to keep the 13-year-old on life support at Children’s Hospital Oakland after the teen was declared brain dead […]
via #PrayersForJahi: Family struggles to keep 13-year-old on life support
by AATadmin2015

‘What’s their problem?’ Canadian immigration hits a sour note with John Legend Evidently singer John Legend isn’t having the best of luck in the Great White North: Canadian immigration still treating me like persona non grata — John Legend (@johnlegend) June 9, 2014 What’s the deal? @johnlegend why? — Gianna (@gianna_zoe) June 9, 2014 @johnlegend :O Why? — Rosmary Lobo (@RosmyWolf) June 9, 2014 @johnlegend REALLY!? […]
via ‘What’s their problem?’ Canadian immigration hits a sour note with John Legend
by AATadmin2015

‘Oversight my ass’! Anyone buy WH’s excuse for sketchy Bergdahl swap?

@redsteeze "whoops. My bad. Sorry." — fuegote (@fuegote) June 3, 2014 The White House didn’t mean to possibly violate the law when it issued the release of five Taliban leaders for Bowe Bergdahl. It was just an “oversight”: Intel Cmte Chair Feinstein says Dep Nat'l Sec Adviser Blinken told her not telling Congress about #Bergdahl […]
via ‘Oversight my ass’! Anyone buy WH’s excuse for sketchy Bergdahl swap?
by Admin Team

Fast and Furious BOOM: Gowdy ‘Obama is either part of it or he’s not’

Rep GOWDY delivers BOMBSHELL!!! President is either Guilty of knowledge of #FastandFurious or he must withdraw Exec Order. SOMEONE LIED! — Vote US Constitution (@notalemming) June 20, 2012 Or, many people lied. And people died. How can Holder claim "Executive Privilege" on behalf of Obama for an operation both claim they knew nothing about? #LyingThenOrLyingNow […]
via Fast and Furious BOOM: Gowdy ‘Obama is either part of it or he’s not’
by AATadmin2015